How to recognize a cult? By Yaqov Demarque, theologian & psychoanalyst.
How to recognize a sect and / or an error?
Some definitions:
Sect "religious group devoted to the study of sacred text and worship of some deity, and giving undue importance to particular doctrines This group is characterized by an extreme zeal of its members and a. absolute obedience to their drivers. "
This group can claim to be Christian. But it puts an undue emphasis on certain doctrines or practices that do not have enough biblical foundation. It highlights some biblical texts often taken out of context, or some prophetic revelations. This group generally adopts a code of conduct very special.He often encourages extreme zeal in the pursuit of a particular goal. It is usually very dependent on a highly respected spiritual leader, whose word is law.
Error : "Opinion false, untrue, iniquity and transgression." Thus, we can define as "error" any doctrine, belief or practice contrary to the clear teaching of the Bible, while teaching based on an erroneous interpretation of the Scriptures, or any new misinterpretation made in the light of a "revelation deeper. "
Seduce : Persuade someone to make him believe a lie is the truth, lead into error. '" Most cult members generally have no awareness that they are far from the Bible. They are falsely convinced of the truth of what they are taught, and follow the reasoning of their drivers, on the pretext that they have "received more light." In the biblical context: In the Bible, we can see that the false religions and sects were many among the Gentiles, and the Gentiles. They were generally associated with idolatry as Baal worship or worship of the goddess Diana at Ephesus (Acts 19), where some idols made by men, and some demonic representations were raised to a divine position. Such idolatrous tendencies are unfortunately also present in the history of Israel, as we see in the story of the golden calf (Exodus 32), or in the construction of many "high places" in Samaria or Israel, by many kings. All this was entirely contrary to the Law of Moses, including the first of the Ten Commandments, and was the cause of untold suffering to the people of Israel, resulted in wanting in these practices. It was also the cause of severe divine judgments against those who had led the people in these prohibited practices.Constantly, God sent prophets and reformers, as King Josiah (2 Chronicles 35 and 35), for denounce these perversions of true religion, and to cleanse the land of idols and altars prohibited, which were sometimes introduced into the interior of the Temple of God in Jerusalem, to the point of forgetting and even completely lose Book the Act. During the first days of the New Testament Church, some have introduced false teachings, trying to turn the people of God of the pure faith in the true God. The first letters of the apostles were intended to establish the truth. Paul, and others with him, warned Christians sectarian tendencies that were at work in the Church, or warned against some "super apostles" (in the first epistle to the Corinthians) against the worship of angels (Colossians 2) or against a return to legalism (Galatians). Paul also taught us that these errors become more frequent as the end times approaching, many false teachers attempt to drive the Christians after them (2 Timothy 3), until the final event of widespread apostasy and the "man of sin" (2 Thessalonians 2). We are therefore urged to ensure at all times to stay on our toes, and hold fast to the Truth of God's Word. We also need to apply to make our calling and election sure (2 Peter 1: 10). For those who are not firm in what they believe, or who are reluctant to put their behavior in accordance with their faith, are easy prey for enemy always ready to devour whom he may devour (1 Peter 5: 8 .)
Some characteristics of a typical cult.
Note : All of these features are not always found in all sects. Similarly, a group that has some of these characteristics does not necessarily constitute a cult. Jonathan Edwards, who has experienced the Great Awakening in England, wrote in a book entitled "Distinguishing Marks of a Work of the True Spirit" (The distinct characteristics of the work of the true Spirit of God): "Some human elements and even evil can still get into the church. presence of errors and excesses in a revival does not necessarily mean that it does not come from God. The true sign of an authentic awakening, are the changes it produces in the lives. " to highlight some elements that need our attention The following list aims. We must therefore consider the broader context in which these elements appear.
Autocratic management. A typical sect is usually led by one man. It may be a "Pastor" of an "Old" or, more rarely, a "bishop" or "Apostle". This man can be supported by a small group of "elders" or "deacons" that are fully dedicated. This officer, in general, is also the one who founded the group. There are often unaccountable to anyone within his group. He leads this group of "iron fist", imposing its views and admitting no questioning. It may also ask members of the group are to address him by using his title. The leader remains quite distant from its affiliates. authority of the leader is usually reinforced by the fact that he claimed to have a "divine inspiration". We seldom hear say, "I think ..." or "I think ..." But his favorite expressions are rather "God showed me that ..." or "The Lord told me ... "This way of speaking is designed to discourage opposition and immediately questioned. Because such a challenge would be to oppose not only the leader, but also God Himself, whose leader is the spokesperson! latter often say "should not touch the anointed of the Lord ", to discourage those who would challenge his authority. Those who question are immediately identified as "rebels", like Jannes and Jambres, who opposed Moses. The leader does not miss an opportunity to point out that "rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft." "They love to be greeted in the marketplaces, and to be called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi. But you, do you not called Rabbi.: for one is your Master, and you are all brothers And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven Do you called masters. because one is your Master, even Christ. greatest among you shall be your servant "(Matthew 23 :7-11). The management team of the sect. Those who are chosen to assist the officer in a sectarian organization, are generally young, poorly educated, recently converted or entered by the sect. They are always fully earned the group's ideas and willing to make every personal sacrifice to show their loyalty. They loudly expressed their support to the Pastor, and are willing to discipline those who criticize promptly. Their real responsibility is generally unimportant. They depend heavily on the authority of the principal leader, they are always looking for approval. Those who question the "party line" are often treated with severity, and publicly humiliated or ridiculed, more or less openly.
A heavy "spiritual covering."This heavy "spiritual covering" refers to a particular school (which can also be an "unwritten rule") that all members of the congregation are accountable for all their actions to their leaders. We will focus on some biblical principles asking "sheep" to be subject to their drivers, who have the responsibility to teach the urge and, if necessary, take them back, so they have a godly and worthy of God. However, in a cult, this teaching is pushed to the extreme. Members of the congregation must be approved by the Pastor for all important decisions of their lives. For example, the pastor must give its consent to the marriage, the sale or purchase of a home, the choice of school children, etc ... This agreement must be explicit, and then passes through obedience to specific and targeted lessons.Pastor may also be used to "prophecies" or pressure in various ways to submit the group. In extreme cases, even minor decisions are subject to approval pastoral, like choosing the supermarket to shop . Clearly, such a dependency drivers can give free rein to many abuses. For example, some pastors may request access to their payslips to determine the amount of the "tithe" to pay the church before making any other expense. Admittedly, it is not bad sometimes seek the advice of a man of God, before making important decisions of our lives. But the Bible clearly says that the Lord makes no respecter of persons. He has no favorite. God poured out His Spirit "upon all flesh." Those "son of God" are led by His Spirit, not the spirit of the prophets is very dangerous and harmful than church members who are truly born again are dependent on their drivers for the decisions they make for their personal lives. They do not need this "spiritual covering" because they are fully qualified to receive the Lord's guidance and direction they need.
Financial dependence. Sectarian organizations are heavily focused on the need to " give, "and particularly the tithe. Often, they even say that it is a condition for receiving God's blessings. However, leaders make themselves very little accountability for how this money is spent. If the group has adopted a legal form of accounts shall be kept and information to be given publicly, at least once a year . However, such information is rarely published and distributed to members of a sectarian congregation. Normally, all the accounts of a legal organization must be able to be viewed by its members freely. But the leaders of a sect will clear that any such request will be frowned upon. This also explains why some sects refuse to be legally recognized. We will therefore know, explicitly or implicitly, that the fact of wanting to control the accounts reflects a suspicion of group management. We say that all must trust him, and that any "evil spirit" will be punished by a divine judgment. can respond to such a direction that it is guilty of falling to the weakest members by providing opportunities the devil do doubt the most vulnerable minds.Unless, of course, that this direction actually has something to hide!
A tendency to discredit any opposition. leaders of a cult know they can be criticized, both by their own members disappointed, or those responsible for other external churches. So they usually adopt a policy of "preemptive strikes" to prevent their faithful members to listen to warnings they receive for the integrity of their drivers. This is how other churches are often criticized for their "compromise" or "warmth". Their leaders are accused of being full of pride, which prevents them from listening to the prophetic warnings of the cult leader. Or they are "jealous" of his success and the presence of a "competitor" on their "territory", they are afraid of losing their own sheep, or are afraid to openly stand up for the Truth! Group members beginning to criticize management, or show signs of fatigue, are subject to systematic attacks campaigns in order to discredit their ability to hear the voice of God and obey Him.It is thus possible to accuse their family or career before God, they are increasingly absent. Problems in their homes or family will be assigned to an inability to exercise spiritual authority necessary. Any attempt to become more involved in the affairs of the church will cynically rejected under the pretext that it is a proud ambition. We will question the purity of their secret motivations, whenever they want to take an initiative. spouses of those who oppose the group's management to consider their partners as "incurable rebels" should be encouraged, it be treated with suspicion. You can even encourage them to separate from their spouses rebels, "for the sake of the Gospel!" Those who have left the group, in particular, will be systematically and publicly criticized, sometimes with a hypocritical attitude of pity or regret. We will treat retrograde rebels, bitter spirits, who think only of their former leaders pour their jealousy or their imaginary grievances. Those who remain in the group are constantly encouraged to have no more contact with those who the left. These are intended to "die in their rebellion, unless they repent." We must therefore "avoid attending" also fear of being infected by the same "evil spirit". Some even go to "deliver to Satan" the rebels, "for the destruction of their flesh."
Strong legalism. Certain sects tend to develop a very strict code of conduct. Will be considered as a sin is to get involved in some modern things that the Bible does not speak clearly, as does drinking certain beverages "prohibited", going to the movies, listen to some music, or watching television. We say it is unacceptable that Christians practice such things. Some groups even require all their members they expressly waive such "worldly" activities. All those who will not give will be treated retrograde tepid or rebels. However, the rules for other more serious matters, such as sexual impurity or the sanctity of marriage, will often be less stringent.
's need to "work out his own salvation." This is connected to the previous. Many sects insist on the need to complete a series of moral and religious conditions to "ensure his salvation." While affirming that we are saved by faith in Jesus Christ, sects claim that the validity of the conversion depends on the good works that we then produce. In a sense, this is true because the Bible teaches that "faith without works is dead" (Jacques 2: 14). Jacques that simply means is that our genuine faith will always manifest in our actions. While the false teachings of the sects will believe that these are the works that will allow us to "fully earn our salvation." Nobody can receive a full assurance of his salvation, because all will eventually "be considered their works." Such teaching promotes an atmosphere of fear. Any deviation, however minor or temporary, from the rules of conduct laid down by the sect, can lead to loss of salvation can read about the teachings of Paul in the Epistle to the Galatians: "However, knowing that not by works of the law that a man is justified, but by faith in Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, might be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law no flesh will be justified by works of the law ... I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ died in vain ... Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh? ... It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. therefore keep standing firm and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of bondage "(Galatians 2: 16, 21, 3: 3, 5: 1). . rules which may vary according to the place in the hierarchy Often the stricter rules are imposed on members of the congregation, while the leadership behavior defies censorship ("Do not touch the anointed of the LORD) These leaders can therefore indulge in dubious practice things, usually in secret. When their actions are revealed, they are justified by invoking a "special indulgence of the Lord" or "spiritual maturity", which enables them to behave and not be affected, in contrast to the weak, that would be destroyed more easily the devil. Sometimes this can lead to serious abuse by pastoral authorities, especially in the areas of finance, or in matters relating to sexual practices.Sometimes it can go as far as claiming that the leaders of the sect are free to sleep with the wives of members of the group! "My brethren, do not be among you a great number of people who become teachers because you know that we will be judged more strictly "(Jacques 3: 1).
A trend. "love bombing" Some sects want to encourage new members by suffocating love brands and attention. It can begin with signs of physical affection (hugs, hugs, etc ...) This can continue for many services (the drive by car to the church, call them on the phone, visit during the week, give them presents , child care, etc ...) There is nothing wrong, per se, to do all these things. But they must be the authentic expression of Christian love. This love should be present in all the churches. However, in a cult, they are organized and premeditated practices to make people dependent on the group. It draws particular vulnerable people, people disadvantaged by a responsible family history, or those who have real needs in these areas. A true Christian love seeks no benefit in return, and it takes no account of the costs incurred. In a cult, we always find a way (often unformulated) to feel those and they helped a debt to the group. When the opportunity arises, or when a person expresses a desire to change church you can remind him that debt! "But we love you so much!", "Remember when we visited you every day to the hospital!", "After all we did for you!" It should be emphasized that ingratitude to others, to discourage them from doing the same. "God will certainly judge those who despise His Church!" We can compare this attitude to the characteristics of true love described in 1 Corinthians 13 :4-7.
role of prophecy. In a cult, is often placed an exaggerated emphasis on prophecy, or other forms of supernatural revelations, to determine what is right and what is not. We have already seen, the decisions of the pastor are often presented as divine prophecies. We will not hesitant to members saying "words of God" directly applied to their situation. These methods can be very manipulative, especially if these words are accompanied by direct threats: "If thou wilt not hearken unto my voice, I will come against you, I judge thee, thou shalt surely die!" On a more sinister way, the rebels that their children may suffer! They warn Prophetic words (then called "rhema of God") may become more important than the Bible itself, the "Logos of God written "pretext that it is better to have a" living faith that religion dead "or that it is better" to be guided by the Spirit rather than the letter. " However, these two elements must always be together. God does not contradict Himself. The prophetic words should always be checked in the light of the written revelation of the Bible. The Bible teaches us not to despise prophecies, as they are one of the gifts of the Spirit. We must welcome with joy the true words of God. However, the Bible also gives us clear principles to judge and evaluate the prophecies in order to avoid abuse and false prophecies. Personal prophecies, which give direction to our lives, should always be considered with great care and should never be listened to in isolation. In particular, if a prophecy is contrary to Scripture, it must be immediately rejected. Similarly, if a prophecy does not confirm what the Lord has revealed to us personally, it is likely that it is then a false prophecy . It must be "put in the fridge," pending further confirmation. Any prophecy that seeks to manipulate someone or forcing someone to act against his own will, is a form of witchcraft.
Special revelations. A sect always present any change of direction for the church, or disciplinary action against its members, as the result of divine revelation. We speak of "visitations of angels," or appearances of Jesus Himself, to confirm some new lessons. This can become very dangerous when it comes to contradict the teachings of the Bible, or to introduce new courses that are not confirmed by the Bible. When a sectarian group begins to differentiate many other churches in the area, or when it begins to be criticized for its doctrinal positions, its leaders generally invoke a "special revelation" of the Lord! Christians will be encouraged to "come out from among them" to not be driven by the spiritual downfall of those who "have not received the light!" We begin to cultivate a spirit of exclusion. It is claimed that "we are closer to God than other churches," and that "we are called by God to show them their errors and their evil ways." This is very similar to the practices of the Gnostic heresy that has plagued the primitive Church. These Gnostics claimed to have received a "deeper revelation" and "hidden wisdom", reserved for an enlightened minority. It is worth noting that even non-Christian religions can trace their origin to angelic revelations (such as angel Gabriel who appeared to be Muhammad). The Bible warns us that the devil himself can disguise himself as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11: 14). .
A spirit of isolation Typically, a sect increasingly isolated from the rest of society, including the Church as a whole in an effort to "keep pure" and not to "leave contaminated by the world." The sect members tend to remain exclusively between them. They are often encouraged to create their own businesses, their own schools, etc ... They want to reduce the temptations to compromise on moral grounds, or to "comply with the spirit of the world", which could give a "bad testimony. " However, as contact with the rest of society decline, the sect also has fewer opportunities to give witness to the world. The desire to win the world to Christ is gradually replaced by the paranoid fear to avoid all the bad influences of society, which could cause the loss of salvation. The sect members lose the ability or even the desire to initiate a simple conversation with those who do not share their ideas. They often come to create their own language and their own jargon. They use passages of Scripture, as one who asks us to "hate his father and mother," to apply literally, in their desire to cut sect members of their families, whose influence could endanger loyalty to the group. role of music. Many sects make significant use of music in order to "create an atmosphere conducive to the Holy Spirit. " This desire may be legitimate in many churches who sincerely want to praise and worship the Lord. However, any real praise should aim to exalt Him who is the object of praise, not to create pleasant feelings in those who rent for! In particular, the excessive use of percussion, and words or repetitive rhythms can easily bring the members of the congregation in a sort of hypnotic trance, which is also found in many pagan religions (or in some boxes night world!) In this atmosphere, listeners can easily be subject to the power of suggestion.
"Become like children." In some sects, it is common to encourage adults to "humiliate" by behaving like children and not adults. Most often, they are committed to participate in the songs of children involving action of the body (as seen in Sunday schools). All those who refuse to obey are then considered "arrogant" or "independent minds". This seemingly benign practice used to the sect members to obey instructions that require them to behave in a way that is not natural to them. They are well accustomed to not experience normal feelings of shame or modesty, but look ridiculous, or to behave in an irrational way. This reinforces the control of the directors and an atmosphere of conformity to group norms. Behavior of some adults who behave like babies, or imitate animal sounds, "under the inspiration of the Spirit" may also fall into this category.
Role of signs and wonders. In many of such "Christian sects" in the most extreme charismatic groups, the presence of signs and wonders is invoked as evidence of the presence of God, and His approval of the doctrines and practices of these groups. Many pastors who preach heresies say that God can not continue to use them to perform healings and miracles, if he disapproved of their conduct and teachings. For example, William Braham, founder of the Movement "Jesus Only" continued to hold powerful healing crusades, long after began teaching manifest heresies. Members of certain sects "Christian" America has the habit of the "seizure of snakes", to prove that God protects them in a supernatural way. In some " awakenings "current, it is said that some supernatural manifestations, as" resting in the spirit ", the fact of people down, the" holy laughter ", the grunts of animals, body contortions, etc ..., are irrefutable proof that the Holy Spirit is at work in this meeting or ministry. Accepting without discussion of such phenomena is inconsistent with the clear teachings of the Bible, which tells us that the devil is able , too, to manifest signs and lying wonders, to seduce those who do not bother to control the light of the Bible (2 Thessalonians 2 :9-10). Yet it is easy to verify that Such phenomena also occur in the same way, in other religions, and they are the result of demonic activity. It is also through this demonic power that some are able to lie on a bed of nails , walking on burning embers, or even speaking in tongues! must ensure, however not systematically reject as heretical any group in which manifest supernatural phenomena that are not consistent with the theology of our church or our name! In this area, controversies are not new! Already in 1740, Jonathan Edwards could write:.. "The work of the Holy Spirit can be accompanied by certain manifestations But the presence of these events should not be used as an argument to prove that God is at work The real sign of a true revival, it is the changes it produces in the lives. "
Beaucoup de "sectes chrétiennes" affichent un certain mépris pour ce qu'elles appellent une "religion intellectuelle". Elles mettent l'accent sur la spontanéité et l'ouverture à l'action du Saint-Esprit. Elles affirment que le fait de trop faire confiance à des processus intellectuels gêne l'action du Saint-Esprit. Les membres de la secte sont donc exhortés à "déconnecter" leur intelligence, et à suivre les impulsions de leur cœur. La théologie, en particulier, est considérée comme l'ennemie de la foi, définie, avec raison, comme une conviction intérieure de la vérité, qui ne dépend d'aucune preuve visible ou sensible. Toutefois, la foi véritable s'appuie sur la révélation de la Parole de Dieu, et ne dépend d'aucune autre influence, qu'elle soit humaine ou démoniaque. Le fait d'accepter aveuglément, sans aucun contrôle intellectuel, tout ce qui se dit et tout ce qui se passe au cours d'une réunion, en laissant libre cours à ses émotions, peut être extrêmement dangereux, surtout quand l'émotivité est puissamment stimulée.
Il est vrai que certaines formes de théologie semblent effectivement nuire à la foi évangélique, en mettant en question l'enseignement de la Bible, ou en cherchant systématiquement une explication scientifique ou rationnelle aux phénomènes surnaturels. Toutefois, Dieu nous a donné des facultés intellectuelles, et nous devons les employer à bon escient, en les soumettant à la direction du Saint-Esprit. Cela ne peut que fortifier notre foi. La Bible nous dit en effet : "Efforce-toi de te présenter devant Dieu comme un homme éprouvé, un ouvrier qui n'a point à rougir, qui dispense droitement la parole de la vérité" (2 Timothée 2 :15). "Mais sanctifiez dans vos cœurs Christ le Seigneur, étant toujours prêts à vous défendre, avec douceur et respect, devant quiconque vous demande raison de l'espérance qui est en vous" (1 Pierre 3 :15).
Quand nous possédons une connaissance solide et ferme des enseignements de la Bible, nous pouvons éviter d'être "des enfants, flottants et emportés à tout vent de doctrine, par la tromperie des hommes, par leur ruse dans les moyens de séduction" (Ephésiens 4 :14).
Je le répète, les paroles prophétiques doivent être soigneusement vérifiées à la lumière des enseignements de la Bible, avant d'être acceptées comme faisant partie de la saine doctrine. Il en est de même pour tous les enseignements donnés dans le groupe ou l'église. On ne peut le faire qu'en étudiant soigneusement et de manière équilibrée tout ce que Bible nous enseigne. Nous éviterons ainsi le piège de nous servir de versets bibliques tirés hors de leur contexte, ou de tordre leur signification véritable.
Il est vrai que certaines formes de théologie semblent effectivement nuire à la foi évangélique, en mettant en question l'enseignement de la Bible, ou en cherchant systématiquement une explication scientifique ou rationnelle aux phénomènes surnaturels. Toutefois, Dieu nous a donné des facultés intellectuelles, et nous devons les employer à bon escient, en les soumettant à la direction du Saint-Esprit. Cela ne peut que fortifier notre foi. La Bible nous dit en effet : "Efforce-toi de te présenter devant Dieu comme un homme éprouvé, un ouvrier qui n'a point à rougir, qui dispense droitement la parole de la vérité" (2 Timothée 2 :15). "Mais sanctifiez dans vos cœurs Christ le Seigneur, étant toujours prêts à vous défendre, avec douceur et respect, devant quiconque vous demande raison de l'espérance qui est en vous" (1 Pierre 3 :15).
Quand nous possédons une connaissance solide et ferme des enseignements de la Bible, nous pouvons éviter d'être "des enfants, flottants et emportés à tout vent de doctrine, par la tromperie des hommes, par leur ruse dans les moyens de séduction" (Ephésiens 4 :14).
Je le répète, les paroles prophétiques doivent être soigneusement vérifiées à la lumière des enseignements de la Bible, avant d'être acceptées comme faisant partie de la saine doctrine. Il en est de même pour tous les enseignements donnés dans le groupe ou l'église. On ne peut le faire qu'en étudiant soigneusement et de manière équilibrée tout ce que Bible nous enseigne. Nous éviterons ainsi le piège de nous servir de versets bibliques tirés hors de leur contexte, ou de tordre leur signification véritable.